Recent Courses (Course Manuscripts, Exams and Reports)
2024 Spring: Introduction to Classifications of Manifolds
(textbook - Milnor's Lectures on h-cobordism Theorem, Wall's
Differential Topology and Moore's Lecture Notes on
Seiberg-Witten Invariants)
Final Reports: Scalar
Curvature under Surgery after Schoen-Yau (Chiang),
Brieskorn-Hirzebruch Exotic Spheres (Hsin), Heat Kernels and Local Index Theorem (Chen),
L^p Theory on Domains and
Manifolds (Kuo),
Banach Calculus and Sard-Samle Theory (Wang),
Kervaire-Milnor Theory on Exotic Spheres (Chong),
Unique Continuation of Elliptic Equations (Huang),
Deformations of G2 Structures with Boundary after
Donaldson (Chang),
Scalar Curvature under Surgery after Gromov-Lawson (Wu),
Seiberg-Witten Wall Crossing and Symplectic Ruled Surfaces
after Aiko Liu (Lee).
2023 Fall: Geometry I (Honors Course)
(textbook - Modern Geometry
vol.1 by Dubrovin--Fomenko--Novikov) Mid-I,
2023 Spring: Introduction to Modular Forms
(textbook: A first course in modular forms by Diamond and
taken by Shuang-Yen Lee,
Mid. Final reports: Reductions of curves (Chen),
Weil's converse theorem (Hsiao),
Eichler--Shimura relation (Lee),
Modularity for CM elliptic curves (Chong),
Eichler--Shimura isomorphism (Yao),
Witten genus and exotic spheres (Kuo),
Ochanine's theorem on spin manifolds (Chang),
Modular forms for even integral quadratic forms (Zhang),
A newform with dihedral monodromy D_3 (Tsai).
2022 Fall: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
(textbooks: Introduction to Lie algebras and their
representations - Humphreys, Compact Lie groups - Sepanski)
notes taken by Shuang-Yen Lee (course TA), Mid,
2022 Spring: Geometry and Topological Field Theory II
(An introduction to quantum cohomology) Intro to
BCOV Lect.1, Intro to
BCOV Lect.2. Midterm reports: Chuang
- Mirror principles, Lee
- Compatibility of perfect obstruction theories, Wu
- Generators of Picard groups of stable map moduli to
projective spaces. Final reports: Chuang
- Quantum singularity theory (FJRW), Lee
- Quantum RR, Lefschetz and Serre (Coates--Givental), Wu
- Classification of 2D topological field theories
2021 Fall: Geometry and Topological Field Theory I
(textbook - Mirror Symmetry by Hori et. al., Clay-AMS 2003)
Solutions to Exercises: Chen, Chuang,
Final reports: Chuang
- critical dimension for bosonic strings, Lee-
critical dimensions for superstrings, Tsai
- toric construction of mirror CY, Chen
- Morse--Witten complex with product, Wu
- T^1 lifting and deformations of CY
2021 Spring: Differential Geometry II
Minimal Submanifolds, Ch.7
Characteristic Classes and Cobordism, Ch.8 Atiyah--Singer
Index Theorem, Ch.9
Intro to Geometric Analysis,
Intro to Geometric Flows - Mid, Final
reports: combined
reports in pdf, links to oral reports - Morse theory and
Bott periodicity (Chang),
AS Index theorem via twisted signature formula (Chuang),
Brieskorn's construction of Milnor's 28 exotic 7-spheres (Huang),
Kazhdan--Warner problem for surfaces (Wu),
Witten's proof of the positive mass theorem (Yang),
Solution to the Yamabe problem (Chen),
Yau's proof of Calabi's conjecture (Lee,
Ricci flow with surgery for manifolds with PIC (Kuo,
2020 Fall: Differential Geometry I
Manifolds, Ch.2
Tensors, Ch.3
Riemannian Geometry, Ch.4
Hodge Theory of Harmonic Forms, Ch.5
Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces, Mid, Final
2020 Spring: Algebraic Geometry II
(textbooks - Algebraic Geometry by Hartshorne, Complex Algebraic
Surfaces by Beauville) partial solutions to Exercises: Ch.4, Ch.5, Appendix, Beauville - Mid, Final
reports: Smooth
morphisms/Bertini's theorem, Theorem
on formal functions, Semi-continuity/Cohomology
and base change, Appendix-A: Kahler
identity and Hodge decomposition, Lefschetz
decomposition and basics on Line bundles, GAGA,
vanishing, Kodaira
embedding, Appendix-B: Chow
ring, Chern
classes, Chow
moving Lemma, GRR
formalism, Proorf
of GRR - projections, Proof
of GRR - embeddings, Appendix -C: Etale
cohomology, Descent
data, Cohomology
of curves, Base
change theorems, Poincare
duality, Lefschetz
fixed point formula and rationality of zeta functions
2019 Fall: Algebraic Geometry I
(textbook - Algebraic Geometry Ch.1-C.3 by Hartshorne) - Varieties,
Schemes, Cohomology. Partial solutions to Exercises: Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Mid, Final
2019 Spring: Algebra II (Honors Course)
(textbook - Basic Algebra II by Jacobson)- Modules, Rings,
of finite groups - Quiz-I,
2018 Fall: Algebra I (Honors Course)
(textbook - Basic Algebra I by Jacobson) - Galois Theory,
2018 Spring:
2017: Fall: Calculus for Life Science I - MId-1,
2017 Spring:
- D-Modules - Introduction
(revised), Basics,
equivalence, Charactersitic
varieties, Dualities,
D-modules, Finiteness
and analytic theory, Constructibility,
connections, Regular
holonomic modules, Classical
R--H regular case, Good
formal structure, Stokes
structure, Riemann--Hilbert--Birkhoff.
Final reports: RH
irregular case, Kazhdan--Lusztig
conjecture, Decomposition
- Geometry II - Final
reports: Topology
of fiber spaces, Exotic
spheres, Bott
periodicity, GTR,
isometric imbeddings.
2016 Fall:
Geometry I (Honors Course)
(textbook - Modern Geometry vol.1 by Dubrovin--Fomenko--Novikov)
- Manuscript,
Mid-I, Mid-II,
2015 Spring:
- Complex Analysis II
(textbooks by Ahlfors, Whittaker and Watson, and Weyl), Dirichlet
problem and Riemann mappings, Green
functions and uniformizations, Modular
functions, Global
functions, Jacobi
theta functions, Solving
polynomials, Geometry
of surfaces, Differentials
and Riemann--Roch, Abel--Jacobi,
theta functions, Asymptotics
and irregular ODE. Final Reports: Week
I, Week
II, Week
- Seminar in Algebraic
Geometry (references: Fulton's Intersection Theory, Cox and
Katz' Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry)
2014 Fall: Complex Analysis
(textbook by Stein) - Mid,
Final.v2, manuscript on Elliptic and
theta function.
2013 Fall:
- Geometry (textbook
by DoCarmo) - Manuscript on Global surface
theory, Mid,
- TIMS Undergraduate
Seminar (towards the basic theory of algebraic D modules)
2013 Spring:
Differential Geometry II -
Manuscripts on Minimal
submanifolds, Chern
classes, Local
index theorem, Exotic 7
spheres (LaTeXed pdf), ASD
moduli and exotic R4, or in
one file combined
pdf -
Homework, Mid. Final reports:
problem list, combined pdf
2012 Fall: Differential Geometry I -
Book (in preparation) - Appendix:
Chinese translation of Riemann's lecture - 1st Quiz, Mid, Final
2012 Spring:
2011 Fall:
Advanced Calculus I (Honors Course)
(textbook by Apostol) - Manuscript,
Mid, Final
2011 Spring:
2010 Fall:
Calculus I
(math majored, textbook by Courant and John I) - Manuscript, Quiz, Mid, Mid-Sol, Final
2010 Spring: Complex Analysis
(textbook by Stein) - Mid, Final, manuscript
on special topics
2009 Fall: Geometry
(textbook by DoCarmo) - Mid,
Final (Notes
by Chen-Yun Lin in 2003 at NTHU)
Spring: Multivariable Calculus
(entry level course) - Mid, Final
2008 Fall: Complex Geometry -
(A survey of L2 theory developped by Hormander,
Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension, and Siu's theory on pluricanonical
Manuscripts of
Selected Earlier Courses
1999 Spring at NTU - Complex Geometry II: Algebraic
Surfaces - manuscript,
77 pages. (Based on Beauville's and Barth--Peters--Van de Ven's
2000 Fall at CTS/NTHU - Lectures on Abelian Varieties - manuscript,
48 pages. (Based on Griffiths--Harris' and Mumford's books.)
Notes/Manuscripts on Short Courses
1998 August at Academia
Sinica - Lectures on Kaehler Geometry - manuscript
(12 hours lectures, 38 pages).
1998 Summer at NTU - Introduction to Modern Mathematics:
Groups and Representations (5 lectures) - Manuscripts on Ch.1-2, Ch.3-5
1999 Spring at Academia Sinica - Introduction to
Calabi--Yau Manifolds (one lecture) - pdf
1999 Summer at NTU - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
for Undergraduates (3 lectures) - pdf
2000 Summer at NCTS - Motivic Integations - Introduction
and Applications (2 lectures) - pdf, notes on CVF
2011 Lectures on Gromov--Witten Theory at TIMS (3
lectures, based on lectures in NCTS 2004 and NTU 2009) - combined pdf