2019-07/30 "Calabi--Yau and Geometry" at IMS, CUHK. Title: A Mysterious Connection between Complex Elliptic Genera and Lame Equations, webpage.
2019-06/11 Plenary speech in "The 8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians ICCM 2019" at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Title: Quantum Flips, slides.
2019-01/15/18/22 "Mathematics inspired by String Theory" at Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CUHK. Lecture series speaker. Title: Introduction to the Quantum Invariance Problem I, II, III, slides I, slides II, slides III.
2018-12 "The second ICCM Annual Meeting" at Taipei. Title: Toward A + B Theory in Conifold Transitions of Calabi--Yau 3-folds, slides.
2018-12/23 "40 Years of Calabi--Yau Theory" at Jiaoling, Guangzhou. Title: Calabi--Yau without Maximal Degenerations, slides.
2017-12/28 "The first ICCM Annual Meeting" at Guangzhou, Title: Algebraic Methods in Periodic Singular Liouville Equations, slides.
2017-05/11 "The Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Conference, AGAG2017" at University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei. Title: A Quantum Splitting Principle, slides.
2017-04/23 "Perspectives of Mathematics in the 21st Century: Confernce in Celebration of the 90th Anniversay of Mathematics Department of Tsinghua University" at Tsinghua U., Beijing. Title: Aspects of Calabi--Yau Moduli, slides.
2016-06/07 “Workshop on Global Mirror Symmetry” at Chern Institute, Nankai webpage. Title: Quantum Cohomology under Flips.
2016-03/05 "4th Beijing Algebraic Geometry Colloquium" at AMSS, Beijing abstracts. Title: Simple Flips and Quantum Cohomology.
2016-03/02 "中國科學院數學所講座" at Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Beijing link to video. Title: K 等價與代數閉鏈, 投影片.
2016-01/01 Plenary Speech in "String-Math 2015 Conference, December 31, 2015 - January 4, 2016" at Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematcs Forum (TSIMF), Sanya webpage. Title: Quantum Cohomology under Birational Maps and Transitions, slides.
2015-10-30 "Workshop on Algebraic Geometry AG2015" at Fudan University, Shanghai webpage. Title: Quantum Cohomology in Birational Geometry.
2015-09/07 "The Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Conference AGAG 2015" at University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei webpage. Title: Extensions of the Gauss--Manin Connections Along Conifold Trnasitions of Calabi--Yau 3-folds.
2015-07/16 "Uniformizations, Riemann--Hilbert Correspondence, Calabi--Yau Manifolds, and Picard--Fuchs Equations" at Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden webpage. Title: Extensions of the Gauss--Manin Connections Along Conifold Trnasitions of Calabi--Yau 3-folds.
Earlier Talks