Part 0. Basic Concepts of Statistics and Probability
Introduce the basic ideas and methods of probability and statistical theory
the practice of statistics. In addition, we will implement approaches to
simulation and
the statistical analysis of data through the use of software, mainly S-Plus.
this topic will provide students the basic probability and statistics language
the second part of this course.
Discrete probability spaces:
Definitions (random variable, distribution,
expectation), binomial distribution, random walk, conditional probabilities,
Bayes formula, independence
Continuous models
General probability spaces, Random variables
and their distributions, normal and lognormal distributions, expectation,
variance, higher moments, Chebychev's inequality, joint distribution, marginal
distribution, convolution, covariance, correlation, partial correlation,
skewness, kurtosis
Point estimators (bias, mean square error,
consistency, maximum-likelihood estimators, moment estimators), Statistical
tests (Neyman-Pearson lemma, t-test), Confidence intervals
The major topics covered in the course, time permitting,
are listed below for your reference.
Univariate linear stochastic models: Chapters
2 and 3
autocorrelation, ACF, and PACF
ARMA processes
Box & Jenkins ARIMA modeling
Forecasting and model building (selection)
Unit root tests
ARFIMA processes
Univariate non-linear stochastic models: Chapter
Random walk hypothesis
Stochastic variance models
ARCH processes and other non-linear models
Modeling return distributions: Chapter 5
Two models for return distributions
Tail shapes and method of estimation
Model central part of return distributions
Pricing European Option
Regression techniques for non-integrated financial
time series: Chapter 6
Regression models
ARCH-in-mean regression models
Misspecification test
Multivariate linear regression models
Vector autoregression
Vector ARMA models
Programming Language: Splus or R
Introduction to the programming environment,
and introduction to writing functions, generating random variables and
binary trees, transformations of data and Q-Q plots, the central limit
theorem illustrated by simulation, confidence intervals, the use and manipulation
of data, maximization of likelihood function.
No written exam in the spring
of 2002.
Problem Sets and Programming Exercises
Homework should be turned in on time. No late
homework will be accepted without legitimate reasons.
There will be 2 to 4 programming assignments. You
are expected to write your own codes and turn in your source
Do not copy.
ask your friends to write programs for you.
1 ARMA, Splus or R Programming (Get tseries or fracdiff package.)
2. Unit Root Test (Simulation and Data Analysis), Data
3 Stochastic Volatility (Simulation), MerckData,
4 Pricing (Simulation)
Lecture Notes:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Univariate linear stochastic
models: basic concepts
Topic 2: Introduction (Chapter 2.1-2.3)
Topic 3: ARMA and Time Series Modeling (Chapter
Topic 4: Nonstationary Processes and ARIMA Models
(Chapter 2.6-2.8)
Examples in Chapter 2 (Chapter 2.5, 2.7, 2.8)
Chapter 3. Univariate linear stochastic models:
further topics
Topic 5: Unit Root Test and ARIMA Models (Chapter
Topic 6: Long Memory Processes: ARFIMA Models
(Chapter 3.2-3.4)
Chapter 4. Univariate non-linear stochastic models
Topic 7: ARCH related models
Topic 8: Additional nonlinear models
Chapter 5. Modeling return distributions
Topic 9: Return distribution and Pricing
Topic 10: Value at Risk
Topic 11: Revisit Linear and Nonlinear Time Series
Topic 12: Maximum Likelihood Estimate and Least
Squares Method
Not Covered:
Chapter 6. Regression techniques for non-integrated
financial time series
Chapter 7. Regression techniques for integrated
financial time series
Chapter 8. Further topics in the analysis
of integrated financial time series
Data appendix: click
Edited April 1, 2002