Spring 2023 Linear Algebra

上課時間: 週三34,週五34.
上課地點: 週三 新生303,周五 新生303

(revised 3/22)
Office hour: 週三 2PM-3PM (地點: 天數412)

Text book: "Matrix theory and linear algebra" by Herstein and Winter
(You may also look at "Linear algebra" by Friedberg, Insel and Spence)


Quotient and dual spaces.
Inner product. Orthogonal projection.
Orthonormal basis, Gram-Schmidt process
Hilbert space, Riesz representation theorem.
Adjoint of linear transformations. Unitary and normal operators.
Spectral theory for normal operators.

Applications of linear algebras
Cartan-Dieudonne theorem.
Singular Value Decomposition: Low-rank approximation; Moore-Penrose inverse and linear regressions.

Spectral radius. Perron-Frobenious theorem.
Directed graphs with weights. PageRank algorithm.
The number of common zeros of two polynomials. Bezoutiant and resultants.
Bilinear forms and quadratic forms. Witt decomposition and Witt cancellation.

1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

若同學因故 無法上課時, 建議利用數學系2016課 程錄影補完相關項目
習 題課時 間:  每週五第四節

李俊緯 (d09221001AT ntu.edu.tw)     數學系(B11~), 新生303
姚皓勻 (b07201020 AT g.ntu.edu.tw) 數學系(B11~以外)+物理+資工+機械+土木+外文, 新生301
(r11221004 AT ntu.edu.tw)     其他系所同學, 新生 403


作業 (25%) 週五第四節上課前繳交(請利用NTU COOL上傳作業或習題課當面交給助教), 逾期不收。
隔離同學請以將作業以 email在截止日期前寄送給助教,
若因確診身體極度不適無法及時完成作業請務必補醫師證明, 方能補交作業。

期中考(35%) April 12, 10:20---12:30, 範圍約到2016課程錄影的20160406左右

期末考(40%) June 7, 10:20---12:30