Recent Presentations
Numerical compressible flow: Riemann solvers ,
CAST, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, March~13, 2019
Towards compressile multiphase flow models and
methods with micro-inertia,
ICAM2018, City Univ. Hong Kong,
June 8, 2018
Scientific computing: Nonlinear dispersive waves and
beyond, Applied Math. Dept., Feng-Chia Univ., Taichung,
Taiwan, April 25, 2018
An operator splitting method for dispersive wave problems
LMM, UMPC Paris 6, France, March 20, 2018
An operator splitting method for dispersive wave problems
IUSTI, Aix Marseilles Univ., France, March 15, 2018
Diffused interface models and methods for
compressible multiphase flows,
CSRC, Beijing, China, May~8-12,2017
Laser-induced cavitation bubbles:
Mathematical models & simulations ,
TIMS, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, December 4-5, 2016
a high-order finite-volume method
dispersive wave problems ,
ICHE2016, Tainan, Taiwan, November 6-10, 2016
Laser-induced cavitation bubbles: \\
Mathematical models \& simulations ,
ECCOMAS2016, Crete, Greece, June 5-10,2016
Interface sharpening methods for compressible multiphase
flow problems: Overview and look ahead ,
IUSTI, Aix Marseille University, France,
September 17, 2015
Sparse approximate solution of partial differential
equations ,
Department of Mathematics, National Central University,
January 14, 2015
Numerical methods for weakly compressible
two-phase flow: Recent advances ,
Annual meeting of Taiwan Mathematical Society,
December 6, 2014
Numerical methods for weakly compressible
two-phase flow: Recent advances ,
Workshop on mathematical models and scientific
computing in fluid mechanics, Institute of
Mathematics, Academia Sinica 13:15-14:15,
November 26, 2014
Recent advances
numerical methods
for compressible two-phase flow
with heat and mass transfers ,
Taiwan CFD conference, Nantou, 17:35-16:05, August 5, 2014
A mixture-energy-consistent numerical method for
compressible two-phase flow with
interfaces, cavitation, and evaporation waves,
ICNMMF2014, Darmstadt, Germany, July 2, 2014
Relaxation methods
compressible multiphase flow ,
SVIAW2014, Danshui, June 23, 2014
A mixture-energy-consistent numerical method for
compressible two-phase flow with
interfaces, cavitation, and evaporation waves,
CASTS-LJLL workshop, NTU, 15:50-16:30, May 28, 2014
Two-phase models and schemes for compressible
cavitating flow,
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
National Cheng Kung University,
April 18, 2014
A simple Eulerian THINC scheme for
compressible two-phase flows,
COMPSAFE2014, Sendai, Japan,
April 14-16, 2014
Mach-uniform methods for weakly
compressible flow ,
Tokyo Tech, Yokohama, Japan, September 4, 2013
Eulerian interface-sharpening method
for compressible flow ,
SIAM CSE2013, Boston, USA, Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 2013
Relaxation models and methods for compressible multiphase flow
with interfaces,
cavitation and evaporation waves
Workshop on multiphase flow research, NTU,
January 30, 2013
An anti-diffusion interface-sharpening method
for compressible two-phase flow with cavitation ,
CAV2012, Singapore, 14-16 August, 2012
Eulerian interface-sharpening methods for
hyperbolic problems:
Application to compressible multiphase flow ,
HPSC2012, Hanoi, Vietnam, 05-09 March, 2012
Volume of fluid methods for compressible
multiphase flow
I: Adaptive moving grid
approach ,
II: Eulerian
interface sharpening approach ,
IAPCM, Beijing, China, 12-16 September, 2011
Adaptive moving-mesh relaxation scheme for
compressible two-phase barotropic flow with cavitation,
AJK2011, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, 24-28 July, 2011
Adaptive moving mesh methods for hyperbolic problems:
Perspective to astrophysical applications,
FCA 2010, Lyon, France, 11-15 October, 2010
Wave propagation methods for hyperbolic problems
on mapped grids,
HYP 2010, Beijing, China, 15-19 July, 2010
Computing interface motion in
hyperbolic problems
DES 2010, Department of Mathematics, NTU, 8-9 January, 2010
Wave propagation methods for hyperbolic problems on mapped grids
29 November-3 December, 2009
A unified moving grid method for hyperbolic systems of partial
differential equations ,
Department of Applied Mathematics, Ta-Tung University,
April 23, 2009
My research work on numerical methods for hyperbolic systems of
conservation laws ,
Research work presentation to graduate students
at Mathematics Department, NTU, October 13, 2008
Wave-propagation based generalized Lagrangian methods for
hyperbolic balance laws: Application to inviscid compressible flow
12th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems:
Theory, Numerics, Applications
College Park, MD, USA, June 9-13, 2008
Wave-propagation based methods for compressible homogeneous two-phase flow
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University,
March 21, 2008
A generalized Lagrangian method for hyperbolic balance laws
Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2007
Towards a unified coordinate method for compressible multifluid problems
Computational mathematics Conference,
NSYSU, Kaohsuing, Taiwan, June 22-23, 2007
Towards a unified coordinate method for compressible multifluid problems
Workshop: CFD based on Unified Coordinates & Perspective Applications,
NCNU, Puli, Taiwan, Jan. 26-28, 2007
A fluid-mixture type algorithm in generalized curvilinear grid
Second Workshop: Micro-Macro Modelling and Simulation of Liquid-Vapor Flow,
Bordeaux, France, Jan. 10-12, 2007
Wave propagation methods for compressible multicomponent flow
with moving interfaces and boundaries
11th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems:
Theory, Numerics, Applications
Lyon, France, July 17-21, 2006
Numerical methods for compressible multicomponent flow
with moving interfaces and boundaries
NCTS Workshop on Scientific Computing, Taipei, Taiwan,
June 26-30, 2006
Numerical models and numerical methods for compressible
multicomponent flow ,
Workshop on CFD based on Unified Coordinates-- Theory & Applications,
Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica,
Taiwan, Feb. 24-25, 2006
Version of July 21, 2007