授課教師:陳宏老師(Email: HCHEN@MATH.NTU.EDU.TW,2363-3860轉109。舊數館106室)
上課時間及地點: 週三上午9:10-12:00,新生大樓104教室
Prerequisite: One year graduate level mathematical statistics courses at the level of Casella and Berger's book entitled Statistical Inference.
February | 18 | Introduction; statistical computing
in practice
EM algorithm Notes: [ content.pdf ] |
February | 24 | R (in
Random number generation I Notes: montecarlo0.pdf Problem set: hw1.pdf Reading: R-intro.pdf |
March | 3 | Random number generation
II Notes: montecarlo1.pdf Reading: |
10 | Numerical integration, Markov chain
Monte Carlo Notes: montecarlo2.pdf Problem set: hw2.pdf Reading: , Efron and Tibshirani (§ 9.5) | |
17 | 林宜靜博士演講 ”?” Monte Carlo Study, Resampling Methods: Permutation,
cross validation, and the bootstrap | |
24 | Resampling Methods; Linear Regression and numerical linear algebra
Notes: Problem set: hw3.pdf Reading: Thisted (ch 3) | |
31 | Linear Regression and numerical linear algebra Notes: Reading: | |
April | 7 | Notes: Nonlinear regression and iteratively reweighted least
Problem set: hw4.pdf
Reading: |
14 | Notes: Newton-Raphson, Fisher
scoring, Nonlinear regression[ pdf
(269k) ] Reading: | |
21 | EM algorithm extensions | |
28 | Downhill simplex method,
Lp regression and constrained optimization
Notes: Problem set: hw5.pdf Reading: | |
May | 5 | Hidden Markov models Notes: Reading: |
12 | Notes: Problem set: hw6.pdf | |
19 | Notes: Reading: | |
26 | Problem set: hw7.pdf |
June | 2 | Project presentation |
9 | Project presentation |
Bootstrap, Cross-Validation
Maximum Likelihood, EM algorithm, Missing
Step by step multivariate regression, robust
Non-parametric Regression, Alternate Conditional Expectation,
Projection Pursuit,
(Neural Nets)
Principal Components, Correspondence
Classification and Regression Trees, Clustering,
response methods :PC-Instrumental Variables, Partial Least Squares,
parametric methods for Longitudinal Matrices, Conjoint
Nonparametric Confidence Regions, (convex hulls),
Counting, Exhaustive Enumeration, Non parametric Tests.
2. Algorithms
- The linear equation solving problem:
- Matrix manipulations, decompositions, (cholesky, QR,...),
- Singular Value Decompositions, Eigenanalysis,
- Iterative methods, Gauss-Seidel, Conjugate Gradient,
- Downhill Simplex minimization,
- Smoothing,
- Random Number Generation ,
(Uniform, Normal, Beta, Inverse CDF, Acceptance Rejection, Metropolis),- Markov Chain approach to Combinatorial Optimization (Simulated Annealing), Updating,
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Sorting.
3. Software
- Gentle, James E.: Numerical Linear Algebra for Applications in Statistics, Springer, New York(1998)
- Gentle, James E.: Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods, Springer, New York(1998)
- Thisted, Ronald A.: Elements of Statistical Computing, Chapman and Hall, New York (1988)
Random Number Generators
George Marsaglia's "Mother of all RNGs" (C code with comments)
Overview of Random Number Generators in Cryptography
Example of a Cryptographic Random Number Generator
Refer to webpage of Computational Statistics taught by Prof. Gentle at George
Mason University on Students' class project
Download at http://cran.r-project.org/
Look for base in Windows (95 and later)
Download rw1081.exe
R manuals: They are downloadable as PDF files: