
The institute offers diverse courses ranging from mathematical analysis to modeling. Students can select courses as per their groups. The courses in Applied Mathematics Group consist of three major subjects: Mathematical Modeling, Scientific Computing, and Applied Analysis. These three compulsory subjects lay the foundation of basic courses for all students in Applied Mathematics Group. To develop their capabilities of doing research, students can select other advanced subjects after basic training courses based on their interests. The courses in Mathematical Statistics Group also consist of three major subjects: Foundations of Mathematical Analysis, Core Courses of Mathematical Statistics, and Modeling. The prescribed length of study in the Master’s Program is from one to four years. Requirement: complete 24 credits and master’s thesis. Compulsory Subjects of Master’s Program:

Applied Mathematics Group:
A. Introductory Courses
   1. Mathematical modeling (Required)
   2. Applied Analysis: Applied Analysis, or Real analysis(I) (Required)
   3. Scientific Computing: Numerical Linear Algebra (Required)

B. Basic Courses:
(Select two subjects, at least three credits for each subject.)
   1. Mathematical modeling: Mathematical Physics Equations (I), and Image Processing.
   2. Applied Analysis: Methods of Applied Mathematics, or Partial Differential Equations (I).
v  3. Scientific Computing: Numerical Partial Differential Equations, or Introduction to Scientific Computing.

Mathematical Statistics Group:
   A. Theoretical core Courses: Advanced Statistical Inference(I) , (II).
   B. Model Courses: Regression Analysis, and Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
   C. Analysis Course: Probability Theory(I), Probability Theory(II), Stochastic Calculus, Stochastic Process, or Real analysis(I) (selection of one subject)