

1. The higher arithmetic : an introduction to the theory of numbers / H. Davenport ; editing and additional material by James H. Davenport  QA241 D3 2008    
2. Number theory through inquiry / David C. Marshall, Edward Odell, Michael Starbird   QA241 M387 2007 
3. Model theory with applications to algebra and analysis / Zoé Chatzidakis … [et al.]  QA9.7 M638 2008  v.2 
4. Geometry of chemical graphs : polycycles and two-faced maps / Michel Deza, Mathieu Dutour Sikirić  QD480 D49 2008 
5. Sets for mathematics / F. William Lawvere, Robert Rosebrugh  QA248 L28 2003 
6. A student’s guide to Maxwell’s equations / Daniel Fleisch  QC670 F56 2008 
7. Logarithmic forms and diophantine geometry / A. Baker, G. Wüstholz
QA242.5 B355 2007
8. Computability and Logic/ George S. Boolos, John P. Burgess, Richard C. Jeffrey QA9.59 B66 2007 
9. Symmetry studies : an introduction to the analysis of structured data in applications / Marlos A.G. Viana  QA174.7.S96 V53 2008 
10. Music : a mathematical offering / Dave Benson  ML3805 B35 2007 
11. Monopoles and three-manifolds / Peter Kronheimer, Tomasz Mrowka
QA613.2 K76 2007


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