

  1. Mathematica : a problem-centered approach / Roozbeh Hazrat / QA76.95 H37 2010 (Springer undergraduate mathematics series)
  2. Introduction to analytical dynamics / N.M.J. Woodhouse / QA805 W88 2009 (Springer undergraduate mathematics series)
  3. Five hundred mathematical challenges / Edward J. Barbeau, Murray S. Klamkin, William O.J. Moser / QA43 B277 1995 (Spectrum series)
  4.  The lighter side of mathematics : proceedings of the Eugène Strens Memorial Conference on Recreational Mathematics & Its History / edited by Richard K. Guy & Robert E. Woodrow / QA95 E88 1986
  5.  Numerology, or, What Pythagoras wrought / Underwood Dudley / BF1623.P9 D83 1997 (Spectrum series)


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