
1.AMS: Printed Mathematical Journal with internet sites   (AMS: 期刊上網綜覽)

2.Acta Arithmetica 

3.Acta Informatica  (Springer)

4.Acta Mathematica Hungarica

5.Acta Numerica    

6.Advances in Applied Mathematics  (AP)

7.Advances in Computational Mathematics   (AP)

8.Advances in Mathematics   (AP)

9.Advances of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 

10.Aequationes Mathematicae   (Birkhauser)

11.Algebra Colloquium  

12.Algebra Universalis   (Birkhauser)

13.Algorithmica   (Springer)

14.American Journal of Mathematics  

15.Annales de l’Institut Fourier

16.Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare A: Physique Theorique

17.Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare B: Probabilites et Statistiques

18.Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare C: Analyse non lineaire

19.Annales Scientifiques de l’Ecole Normale Superieure

20.Annali della Scuola Normale superiore di Pisa – Classe di Scienze 

21.Annals of Combinatorics          

22.Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry   (Kluwer)

23.Annals of Mathematics 

24.Annals of Probability 

25.Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics   (Kluwer)

26.Applied Mathematics & Optimization   (Springer)

27.Archiv der Mathematik    (Birkhauser)

28.Archive for History of Exact Sciences   (Springer)

29.Archive for Mathematical Logic   (Springer)

30.Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis   (Springer)

31.Biometrical Journal


33.Biometrika   (Oxford)

34.BIT: Numerical Mahematics 

35.Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques

36.Bulletin of IMAS   

37.Bulletin: AMS   (AMS)

38.Calculus of Variations and PDE   (Springer)

39.Canadian Journal of Mathematics 

40.Combinatorica   (Springer)

41.Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici    (Birkhauser)

42.Communications in Algebra

43.Communications in Analysis and Geometry  

44.Communications in Mathematical Physics   (Springer)

45.Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics   (Wiley)

46.Communications in Partial Differential Equations  

47.Compositio Mathematica  

48.Computational Complexity   (Birkhauser)

49.Computational Statistics   (Springer)

50.Differential Equations   (Kluwer)

51.Differential Geometry and its Applications   (Elsevier)

52.Discrete & Computational Geometry   (Springer)

53.Doklady Mathematics   (Nauka)

54.Duke Mathematical Journal   (Duke UP)


56.Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System   (Cambridge)

57.European Journal of Applied Mathematics   (Cambridge)

58.Experimental Mathematics 

59.Forum Mathematicum

60.Geometric and Functional Analysis (GAFA)    

61.Glasgow Mathematical Journal   (Cambridge)

62.Graphs and Combinatorics   (Springer)

63.Historia Mathematica   (AP)

64.IHES: publications 

65.Illinois Journal of Mathematics 

66.IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics   (Oxford)

67.Indiana University Mathematics Journal 

68.International Journal of Game Theory   (Springer)

69.Inventiones mathematicae   (Springer)

70.Israel Journal of Mathematics 

71.Izvestiya: Mathematics   (Turpion)

72.Journal Differential Geometry   (Internationl Press)

73.Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik   (de Gruyter)

74.Journal of Algebra   (AP)

75.Journal of Algebraic Geometry 

76.Journal of Approximation Theory   (AP)

77.Journal of Computational Physics   (AP)

78.Journal of Differential Equations   (AP)

79.Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations   (Kluwer)

80.Journal of Fluid Mechanics   (Cambridge)

81.Journal of Functional Analysis   (AP)

82.Journal of Geometric Analysis

83.Journal of Graph Theory   (Wiley)

84.Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications   (World Scientific) 

85.Journal of Mathematical Biology   (Springer)

86.Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics    (Birkhauser)

87.Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 

88.Journal of Multivariate Analysis   (AP)

89.Journal of Nonlinear Science   (Springer)

90.Journal of Number Theory   (AP)

91.Journal of Operator Theory Issues 

92.Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra   (Elsevier)

93.Journal of Symbolic Logic 

94.Journal of the American Mathematical Society   (AMS)

95.Journal of The American Statistical Association 

96.Journal of the European Mathematical Society   (Springer)

97.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A   (Blackwell)

98.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B   (Blackwell)

99.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C   (Blackwell)

100.Journal of Theoretical Probability   (Kluwer)


102.LMS, Bulletin   (Cambridge)

103.LMS, Proceeding   (Cambridge)

104.LMS, the Journal   (Cambridge)

105.Manuscripta Mathematica   (Springer)

106.Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences   (Wiley)

107.Mathematical Methods of Operations Research   (Springer)

108.Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

109.Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society   (Cambridge)

110.Mathematical Research Letters

111.Mathematics of Computation   (AMS)

112.Mathematische Annalen   (Springer)

113.Mathematische Nachrichten   (Wiley)    

114.Mathematische Zeitschrift   (Springer)

115.Memoirs, AMS   (AMS)

116.Metrika   (Springer)

117.Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications  

118.Numerische Mathematik   (Springer)

119.Osaka Journal of Mathematics 

120.Pacific Jornal of Mathematics 

121.Physica D  

122.Probability Theory and Related Fields   (Springer)

123.Proceeding A: Royal Societyof Edinburgh 

124.Proceeding: AMS   (AMS)

125.Proceeding: Royal Society of London

126.Publicatons of the RIMS 

127.Russian Mathematical Surveys   (Turpion)

128.Sbornik: Mathematics   (Turpion)

129.Selecta Mathematica, new series  

130.Semigroup Forum   (Springer)

131.Shock Waves   (Springer)

132.SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 

133.SIAM Journal on Computing 

134.SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 

135.SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 

136.SIAM journal on Mathematical Analysis 

137.SIAM journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 

138.SIAM journal on Numerical Analysis 

139.SIAM Journal on Optimization 

140.SIAM journal on Scientific Computing 

141.Société Mathématique de France

142.Stochastic Processes and their Applications   

143.Studies in Applied Mathematics   (Blackwell)

144.Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics   (台灣數學雜誌)


146.The American Mathematical Monthly 

 147.The Annals of Statistics

148.The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics   (Oxford)

149.Theoretical and Computional Fluid Dynamics   (Springer)


151.Transaction: AMS   (AMS)

152.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

153.Zeitschriftf?r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP)

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