

IAMS/NCTS Applied Math Seminar
9/26, 13:20-14:20, 計算力學三十年 (1984-2014), 陳正宗終身特聘教授(國立海洋大學)
9/26, 14:20-15:20, Development of a moment-based parallel eigensolver and its applications, Prof. Tetsuya Sakurai (University of Tsukuba)
10/3, 13:20-14:20, Pressure Correction Method for Fluid-Particle Interaction and Two-Phase Flow Problems, Prof. San-Yih Lin (Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, NCKU)
10/17, 13:20-14:20, Magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain: progress, challenges, and opportunities, Prof. Fa-Hsuan Lin and Dr. Yi-Cheng Hsu (Institute of Biomedical Engineering, NTU)
10/22, 13:20-14:20, Integration of Boolean and Bayesian Networks, Prof. Henry Horng-Shing Lu (Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University)
11/21, 13:20-14:20, Computational cognitive neuroscience: From neurons to behavior, Prof. Tsung-Ren Huang (Department of Psychology, Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center, NTU)
11/21, 14:20-15:20, Probing the Properties of Nano-confined Fluid Using Atomic Force Microscopy: Interfacial Viscosity, Fluid Slip and Electric Double Layer Effect, Prof. Hsiang-Chih Chiu (Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University)
12/15, 11:10-12:10, Modeling of Combustion Waves in Smoldering Combustion under Microgravity, Prof. Masayasu Mimura (Director, Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University)
12/17, 13:20-14:20, Sensitivity of Arnoldi’s method, Prof. Christian Schröder (Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin)
12/26, 13:20-14:20, Thermodynamics of Markov Systems: Dissipation, Conservation, and Phase Transition, Prof. Hong Qian (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington)
12/26, 14:30-16:00, An alternative approach to condence interval estimation for the win ratio statistic, Prof. Wei-Yann Tsai (Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University, USA)
1/9, 13:00-14:30, Modern Approaches toward High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Subroutines: Theory and Implementation, Prof. Chenhan D. Yu (Computer Science Department, University of Texas at Austin, USA)
3/9, 14:00-15:00, Partial Differential Equations with Random Effects, Dr. Gi-Ren Liu (Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis, USA)
3/18, 13:20-14:20, Mathematical and Numerical Analysis for the Radiative Transport Equation as Fundamental Study for Diffuse Optical Tomography, Prof. Yuusuke Iso (Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)
3/27, 13:20-14:20, State-of-the-Art in the Solution of Control-Related Nonlinear Optimization Problems, Prof. Hans D. Mittelmann (School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University)
5/27, 13:20-14:20, Statistical Inference for Shards, Mr. Yen-Chi Chen (Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University).