Jing Yu 于靖
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Email: yu@math.ntu.edu.tw
Office: Room 524, Astronomy-Mathematics Building
Office Hour: By Appointment
Office Phone: (02) 3366-9693
Research Interests
Number Theory, Algebra, and Arithmetic Geometry. In particular Arithmetic of Function Fields in positive Characteristic.
Courses for 2010/2011:
Math 2105 Introduction to Algebra, whole year.
Math 5151 Introduction to Automorphic Representations, Fall semester.
Courses for 2009/2010:
U5520, Introduction to Modular Forms, Fall semester.
U5530, Topics in Arithmetic Geometry, Spring Semester.
Future Trips, talks, and Conferences
Previous Trips, Talks, and Conferences
- 2012, Jan. 16-19, The 3rd East Asia Number Theory Conference, Taipei, NTU, Organizer.
- 2011, Aug. 22-26, The 3rd Pan-Asia Number Theory Conference, Beijing, China, Invited Speaker.
- 2011, Aug. 16-19, Workshop on Arithmetic of Function Fields, Kyungju, Korea, Invited Speaker.
- 2011, June 1-6, Prof. Keqin Feng's 70-th birthday Conference, Hefei Yellow Mountain, China. Invited Speaker.
- 2011, March 12-16, Arizona Winter School, U.S.A.
- 2011, Jan. 24-28, Conference on Arithmetic Geometry, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Invited Speaker.
- 2010, Dec. 17-22, The 5-th ICCM. Plenary speaker.
- 2010, Dec. 11-13, Annual Meetings of TMS, Chang-Hua, Taiwan.
- 2010, Aug. 13-17, 18-th ICFIDCAA, Macau University, Section on Value Distribution Theory related to Number Theory.
- 2010, July 12-15, TIMS Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry, Taiwan University.
- 2010, July 7-10, International Conference on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, NCTS. Organizer.
- 2010, July 5-6, Taiwan-Korea Workshop on Number Theory, NCTS.
- 2010, March 17-19, Workshop on Algebraic Number Theory, Waseda University, Japan.
- 2010, Feb. 24, NCTS Number Theory Seminar, Lectures, Peer into a Formula of Chowla-Selberg.
- 2009, Sept. 27-Oct.2, BIRS Workshop on t-motives, Banff Center, Canada
Recent Students
PhD. students
- 2007 Chieh-Yu Chang
Thesis : Algebraic Relations among Special Values in Characteristic p - 2010 Fu-Tsun Wei
Thesis: On Arithmetic of Curves over Function Fields - Ho-Ling Hsu, in progress
- Ting-Fang Lee, in progress
- Chih-Yun Chuang, in progress