Jungkai Alfred Chen

Chair Professor

Department of Mathematics

National Taiwan University

Taipei, Taiwan


Astro-Math Bldg. 508

TEL: 886-2-33662836

email: jkchen at ntu dot edu dot tw


last updated: Nov. 29, 2021


Algebraic Geometry in East Asia, Online Seminar

Details can be found here


Laboratory of Birational Geometry

Details can be found here


Algebraic Geometry in Taiwan

Please refer to the page of algebraic geometry program in NCTS


Math Links

Here are some useful links:


AMS MathSciNet*: review of articles in journal and proceedings.



Numdam=Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques;

GDZ=Göttingen Digitalisierungszentrum;

Project Euclid*;

*: Accessible only if you or your institutes have current subscription.


About Me:

I got my Ph.D, in 1997 from UCLA under the supervision of Robert Lazarsfeld. Since then, I have been working in Taiwan for more than two decades. I was involved in various academic services, including: Chairman of the Panel of National Science Council, President of Taiwan Mathematical Society, Chairman of the Department of Math of NTU and the Director of NCTS (National Center for Theoretical Sciences), Mathematics Division.