Workshop on Incomplete Data
Missing Covariates Regression Problem
¬ã°Q·|¤¤ÁܽШì¨â¦ì¤À§O±q¨Æ¤ß²zp¶q¤ÎÀç¾i¬y¦æ¯f¾Çªº±M®a¾ÇªÌÁ¿z¨ä¶i¦æ¤¤¤§¬ã¨s¸ê®Æ¤Î©Ò¾D¹J¤§¬ÛÃö°ÝÃD¡A¨Ã»P²Îp¾Ç®a¶i¦æ¬ÛÃö°Q½×¡A¥HÁA¸Ñ²Îp¤èªk¦b¸Ñ¨M¬ÛÃö°ÝÃD¤¤¥i¯à§êºt¤§¨¤¦â¡C¦b²Îp¤èªkªº§Þ³N¼h±³¡¤À¡A¥»¦¸¬ã°Q·|±N¥ýµÛ«©ó²{¦³¤èªk¾Ç¤§¦^ÅU¡C¨â¦ìè©ó¦¹»â°ì¡]incomplete covariate data, measurement error problem¡^¬°³Õ¤h½×¤å¥DÃD¡AÀò±o²Îp³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ìªºÁ¿ªÌ±N©ó·|¤¤¦^ÅU¨â½g«nªº¤åÄm¡]Robins et al. 1994, JASA; Carroll and Wand, 1991, JRSSB¡^¡A§@¬°¤j®a§ä´M§ó¦n¸Ñ¨M¤è®×ªº¶}ºÝ¡C¥DÁ¿ªÌ
Workshop 2:¤ý²M¶³³Õ¤h,Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Lecture 1: Introduction and Examples to Missing Data and
Measurement Error
abstract, chapter 1 of notes
Lecture 2: Logistic Regression with Covariate Measurement
abstract, chapter 4 of notes
Lecture 3: Expected Estimating Equations to Accommodate Covariate
Measurement Error
abstract, notes
Lecture 4: Regression Analysis when Covariates are Regression
Parameters of a Random Effects Model for Observed
Longitudinal Measurements
abstract, notes
Regression with Missing Covariates¡´ 12/14/99¡GDr. Thomas Augustin, Department of Statistics, University
of Munich transparency
Survival analysis under measurement error
EM algorithm¬ÛÃö¤åÄmªºSeminar
¡´ 11/2/99¡GProf.
Yi-Hau Chen µ{¼Ý»¨
Introduction to the EM Algorithm
¡´ 11/16/99¡GProf.
Hung Chen (National Taiwan Univ.)
§» ±Ð±Â (¥x¤j¼Æ¾Ç¨t)
EM to Obtain asymptotic Variance Matrices: The SEM Algorithm
made by Dr. Min-Te Chao »¯¥Á¼w³Õ¤h¡]¤¤¥¡¬ã°|²Îp¬ì¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò¡^
says that "I liked the paper written by Louis, since one extra step at
the end
finds the asy. variance matrix. But back in the early 1980's, I used that
only to find a negative variance ---- there is a small typo in that paper.
For the final formula (3.2'), there is a double summation 2 \sum_{i<j}
which should read \sum_{i \ne j} since the use of EM destroyed the symmetricity
the covariance structure. I wrote tom Tom and he agreed with me."
¡´ 11/30/99¡GDr.
Cheng-Der Fuh ³Å©Ó¼w³Õ¤h¡]Academia
Introduction to EM and ECM Algorithms
made by Dr. Fuh¡]¤¤¥¡¬ã°|²Îp¬ì¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò¡^
says that "Theorems 1 and 4 in DLR ( JRSSB, 1977) give the rate of convergence
of EM algorithm and Theorems 2 and 3 give the result on convergence.
In the proof of
Theorems 2 and 3, one triangular inequality is applied incorrect.
This leads to the
paper written by Wu in the Annals of Statistics."
¡´ 1/11/00¡GProf.
of Information & Systems
Management, The Hong Kong University of
Science & Technology,»´ä¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç),
refined versions of the EM algorithm
1. Dempster, A. P. , Laird, N. M., and Rubin, D. B. (1997). Maximum
likelihood from incomplete data via EM algorithm ( with discussion).
JRSSB, 39,1-38.
2. Smith's discussion and replies from Dempster, A. P. , Laird, N. M.,
and Rubin, D. B. (1997). Maximum likelihood from incomplete data
via EM algorithm ( with discussion). JRSSB, 39, 1-38.
3. Meng, X.L. and Rubin, D.B., (1991). Using EM to obtain asymptotic
variance-covariance matrices: The SEM Algorithm. JASA, 86,
The supplemented EM or SEM algorithm enables users of EM to
calculate the incomplete-data asymptotic variance-covariance matrix
associated with the maximum likelihood estimate obtained by EM,
using only the computer code for EM and for the complete-data
asymptotic variance-covariance matrix.
Related references:
Meng, Xiao-Li and Rubin, Donald B. Maximum likelihood estimation
via the ECM algorithm: a general framework. Biometrika 80 (1993),
no. 2, 267--278.
Summary: "Two major reasons for the popularity of the EM algorithm
are that its maximum step involves only complete-data maximum
likelihood estimation, which is often computationally simple, and that
its convergence is stable, with each iteration increasing the likelihood.
When the associated complete-data maximum likelihood estimation itself
is complicated, EM is less attractive because the M-step is
computationally unattractive. In many cases, however, complete-data
maximum likelihood estimation is relatively simple when conditional on
some function of the parameters being estimated. We introduce a class of
generalized EM algorithms, which we call the ECM algorithm, for
expectation/conditional maximization (CM), that takes advantage of the
simplicity of complete-data conditional maximum likelihood estimation
by replacing a complicated M-step of EM with several computationally
simpler CM-steps. We show that the ECM algorithm shares all the
appealing convergence properties of EM, such as always increasing
the likelihood, and present several illustrative examples."
Maximum likelihood estimation via the ECM algorithm: computing
the asymptotic variance. Statist. Sinica 5 (1995), no. 1, 55--75.
Summary: "This paper provides detailed theory, algorithms,
and illustrations for computing asymptotic variance-covariance matrices
for maximum likelihood estimates using the ECM algorithm.
Meng, Xiao-Li On the rate of convergence of the ECM algorithm.
Ann. Statist. 22 (1994), no. 1, 326--339.
The EM algorithm is a very useful iterative algorithm converging to
a maximum likelihood estimator under incomplete data. The ECM
and MCECM algorithms are generalizations of it. The author
investigates the convergence rate of the ECM and MCECM algorithms.
He obtains a very beautiful expression for the matrix convergence rate
ECM and MCECM as follows:
= DMEM(q*)
+ {I-DMEM EM}(q*)}\prod\sp
where DMEM(q*)
is the convergence rate of EM,
=\nablas[\nabla\sp Ts I-1\sb {\rm com}(q*)\nabla\sb
s]-1 \nabla\sp Ts
I-1 \sb
{\rm com}(q*),
s=1,2,...,, with $\nablas = \nabla g\sb s(q*)$,
is the limit point and gs are functions given in ECM.
Its derivation is extremely
ingenious. The author points out that this has
an appealing interpretation:
speed of ECM = (speed
of EM) X (speed of CM).
Moreover, he examines
the global rates of ECM and MCECM. Under
the situation Y1,Y2
~ i.i.d N\Big[{q1
1}\Big]$, he treats
the MLE of q
based on (y11, y12 - y21) and, for this
incomplete data problem,
he calculates concretely
the matrix rates of convergence of EM, ECM and MCECM.
He compares their
global rates of convergence and points out that no dominance result
holds in general.
4. Louis, T.A. (1982). Finding the observed information matrix when
using the EM algorithm. JRSSB, 44, 226-233.1.
5. Baum, L. E., Petrie, T., Soules, G. and Weiss, N. (1970).
A maximization technique occurring in the statistical analysis of
Probabilistic functions of Markov chains. Ann. Math. Statist.
41, 164-171.
6. Meng, X. L. and Rubin, D. B. (1993). Maximum likelihood estimation
via the ECM algorithm: a general framework. Biometrika, 80,
Summary: "Two major reasons for the popularity of the EM algorithm
are that its maximum step involves only complete-data maximum
likelihood estimation, which is often computationally simple, and that
its convergence is stable, with each iteration increasing the likelihood.
When the associated complete-data maximum likelihood estimation itself
is complicated, EM is less attractive because the M-step is computationally
unattractive. In many cases, however, complete-data maximum likelihood
estimation is relatively simple when conditional on some function of
the parameters being estimated. We introduce a class of generalized
EM algorithms, which we call the ECM algorithm, for expectation/conditional
maximization (CM), that takes advantage of the simplicity of complete-data
conditional maximum likelihood estimation by replacing a complicated
M-step of EM with several computationally simpler CM-steps. We show that
the ECM algorithm shares all the appealing convergence properties of EM,
such as always increasing the likelihood, and present several illustrative
7. Render, R. A. and Walker, H. F. (1984). Mixture densities, maximum
likelihood and the EM algorithm. SIAM Review, 26, 195-239.
8. Meng, X. L. and van Dyk, D. (1997). The EM Algorithm-an Old
Folk-song Sung to a Fast New Tune. JRSSB 511-567.
Review: The EM algorithm is analysed with the aim of making it converge
faster while maintaining its simplicity and stability. A brief historical
account is given with many references and comments. The main
methodological contribution of the paper is the introduction of the "working
parameter" approach to searching for efficient data augmentation schemes
for constructing fast EM-type algorithms. Here an optimal EM algorithm
for the multivariate (including univariate) t-distribution with
known degrees
of freedom, simulation studies and theoretical derivations (the rate of
convergence, the matrix rate of convergence) are presented. The main
theoretical contribution is given in Section 3, where the formulation of
the alternating expectation-conditional maximization (AECM) algorithm,
which unifies several recent extensions of the EM algorithm that effectively
combine data augmentation with model reduction, is given. As examples,
a fitting of t-models with unknown degrees of freedom and an image
reconstruction under the Poisson model are given.
The paper is completed by a discussion. It was read before the Royal
Statistical Society and four contributors were invited to lead the discussion
(Donald B. Rubin, D. M. Titterington, Walter R. Gilks and Jean Diebolt).
Many others (17) participated in it or wrote letters with comments. The
replied to all of them in writing.
The paper, together with the discussion, gives very good information on
the contemporaneous state of the EM and related algorithms.
9. Jamshidian, M. and R. Jennrich, R. (1997). Acceleration of the EM
Algorithm by using quasi-newton methods. JRSSB, 569-587.
10. The EM Algorithm and Extensions. G. McLachlan and T. Krishnan.
1997, John Wiley.
11. Bayesian Computation and Stochastic Systems. Statistical Science,
1995, 3-66.
Image Analysis
Created: November 9th, 1999
Last Revised: mARCH 23rd, 2000
© Copyright 1999 Hung Chen