- Professor, 2000 -- 2008, 2010 -- , Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University.
- Chair of Statistics, 2008 -- 2010, Department of Statistical Science, University College London.
- Associate Professor, 1998 -- 2000, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University.
- Associate Professor, 1994 -- 1996, 1997 -- 1998, Department of Mathematics, National Chung Cheng University.
- Research Associate, 1996 -- 1997, Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, The Australian National University.
- Ph.D. Statistics, 1994, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Fellow of the American Statistical Association, elected 2009.
- Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, elected 2007.
- Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University, 2006--.
- Young Mathematician Award, Mathematical Society of ROC (TMS), 2006.
- Young Investigator Research Publication Award, 2000, Academia Sinica.
- Young Researcher Award, 2000, College of Science, National Taiwan University.
- Outstanding Research Award, 1999, National Science Council.
- Member, Award Committee, International Chinese Statistical Association, 2016 -- 2017.
- International Representative, Board of Directors, American Statistical Association, 2014 -- 2016.
- Member, Committee on Nominations, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2007 -- 2008, 2014 -- 2015.
- Member, Committee on Fellows, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2009 -- 2011.
- Member, Nomination and Election Committee, International Chinese Statistical Association, 2009 -- 2010.
- Co-Chair, Committee on Asia and Pacific Rim Meetings, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2014 -- 2016.
- Member, Committee on Asia and Pacific Rim Meetings, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2008 -- 2009, 2012 -- 2014.
- Associate Editor,
Journal of the American Statistical Assiciation, 2011 -- 2013, 2014 -- 2016.
- Associate Editor,
The Annals of Statistics, 2004 -- 2006, 2007 -- 2009, 2016 -- 2018.
- Associate Editor, Econometrics and Statistics, 2016 --.
- Associate Editor,
Statistica Sinica, 2001 -- 2014.
- Associate Editor,
Lifetime Data Analysis,
January 2005 --.
- Editor,
Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 2008 -- 2010.
- Associate Editor, IMS Lecture Notes and Monograph Series, 2008 -- 2010.
- Associate Editor, Journal of the Korean Statistical
Society, 2008 --.
- Associat Editor,
Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 2006 -- 2008, 2010 -- 2012.
- Associat Editor,
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 2011 -- 2013.
- Academic Advisory Committee, National Science Council, 2005 -- 2007.
- Program Committee, Chinese
Statistical Association, 2004 --.
- Grant Panel, National
Science Council, 1999 -- 2001.
- Executive Editor, Journal
of the Chinese Statistical Association, 1997 -- 1999.