Courses for 2010/2011:
Math 5151 Introduction to Automorphic Representations, Fall semester.


課程概述 Infinite-dimensional representations of classical groups, GL2.
Representations of GL2 over finite fields, local fields.
Representations of adelic groups, L-functions.
課程目標 From representations of groups to Langlands’ program. Start with representations of finite groups, GL2 over finite fields. In the archimedean case, concerns infinite-dimensional of GL2(R) and GL2(C). In the non-archimedean case, supercuspidal representations, principal series representations. The goal is applications of automorphic representations to number theory.
關鍵字 Group representations, local fields, global fields, GL2.
課程要求 Complex analysis, basic algebraic number theory, algebra, advanced calculus, basic real analysis.
指定閱讀 Basic theory of representations of finite groups.
Basic theory of local fields.
參考書目 D. Bump, Automorphic Forms and representations, Cambridge U. Press, 1998.
C. Bushnell & G. Henniart, Local Langlands conjecture for GL2, Springer, Band 335, Comprehensive studies in Math., 2006.
J.-P. Serre, Linear representations of finite groups, Springer GTM Vol 42, 1977.



