

  1. QA614.7 M39 2012 / Critical Point Theory for Lagrangian Systems / Mazzucchelli, M.[Progress in Mathematics 293]
  2. QA252.3 H54 2012 / Highlights in Lie Algebraic Methods / Joseph, A. [Progress in Mathematics 295]
  3. QA611.3 B38 2011 / Thermodynamic Formalism and Applications to Dimension Theory / Barreira, L. [Progress in Mathematics 294]
  4. QA381 C838 2012 / The Pullback Equation for Differential Forms / Csato, G. [Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications 83]
  5. Qa274.23 S685 2011 / Stochastic Analysis with Financial Applications: Hong Kong 2009 / Kohatsu-Higa, A. [Progress in Probability 65]
  6. Qa377 K64 2011 / Optimal Control Problems for Partial Differential Equations on Reticulated Domains: Approximation and Asymptotic Analysis / Kogut, P.I. [Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications]
  7. Qa402.5 B65 2012 / The Robust Maximum Principle: Theory and Applications / Boltyanski, V.G. [Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications]
  8. Ta357.5.U57 C4813 2011 / Hydrodynamic Instabilities / Charru, F. [Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics]
  9. Qc174.26.W28 A264 2011 / Nonlinear Dispersive Waves: Asymptotic Analysis and Solitons / Ablowitz, M.J.[Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics]
  10. Qa252.5 C49 2012 / Jordan Structures in Geometry and Analysis / Chu, C.-H. [Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 190]
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